Wednesday, November 4, 2009

For K-town Survivors

I wanted to preserve the "From a distance" blog that was taken offline by its author, Um A-H. I was told that she had received threats and things like this - Allahu alim. Insh-Allah she'll be back one day. So to make it clear, this is not her blog anymore. But what she already wrote is out there in cyebrspace, we all know it already. I was one of the people who downloaded / saved all of her posts, so that I can read them to myself. I am also a K-Town Survivor. I want to make a t-shirt of it: I lived with Nuh, Besa, and Hedaya, made it out alive, and all I got was this t-shirt!

When her blog was taken offline, and Salafi Burnout's, it seems like suddenly people don't care about the abuse from the sufis and other Muslim groups anymore. No one cares or knows about the survivors of abuse, people harmed by the hands of the Muslims. Sure, one or two people said something when the scandal was fresh, but ultimately it seems to have been for their own self-interest. Suhaib Webb, for example, has never again said anything in our support or offered any naseeha since the time when Salafi Burnout's blog was causing so much outrage. I don't even count on our Mulsim leaders to say anything to help anyone, so why should he be any different?

I think that when some of the children being raised in the sufis groups right now grow up, then we'll hear a new wave of allegations and stories and Muslim leaders tripping over themselves to say that they believed us from the start and support us. but for right now they're allowed to get away with murder (not literally), and still raking in the dough and the rest of the Muslims do and say nothing - and others are ignorant.

So I am reposting her stories, for your sake. Also, I have found some helpful stories about spiritual abuse by Christians and I'm going to be posting these as well.